Automation Testing


Batch type:  Weekdays/Weekends

Mode of Training:  Classroom/Online/Corporate Training

Highly Experienced Certified Trainer with 10+ yrs Exp. in Industry

Realtime Projects, Scenarios & Assignments

What will you get along with the training?
1) course completion certificate.
2) 1 live project.
4) Resume building & Interview preparation.
5) Interview call from Tie-up companies until you successfully get placed.
6) Hands-on training with real-time scenarios.
7) Certification Based training with study material.

Java Essentials for Selenium

Java Programming Basics

Installing Java

Installing Eclipse

First Eclipse Project

First Java program

Concept of class file

Datatypes in Java

String class and functions

Conditional Statements



Single Dimensional Arrays

Two Dimensional arrays

Practical usage of arrays in Selenium


What are Functions?

Function Input Parameters

Function Return Types

Object-Oriented Programming in Java

Local Variables

Global Variables

Static and Non-Static Variables

Static and Non-Static Functions

Creating Objects in Java

Meaning of static

Why is main method static?

Object and Object References

Call by reference and Value

Overloading and Overriding Functions

Access Modifiers – Public/Private/Default/Protected



Usage of Objects in Selenium


Usage of Inheritance in Selenium

Creating Packages

Accessing Classes across Packages

Exception Handling

Exception handing with try catch block

Importance of exception handling

Exception and Error

Throwable Class

Final and Finally

Throw and Throws

Different Types of Exceptions

Need of exception handling in Selenium framework

Automating Excel file Operations

Creating/Opening XLS Files

Reading/Writing Microsoft XLS Files

Counting Rows and Columns

Filling BG/Font Colours

Practical Examples

Automating Text File Operations

Creating/Opening Text Files

Reading/Writing Text Files

Practical Examples

Automating Database Operations

Connecting to Databases



SQL Server

Sending SQL Queries to Database

Process the Results

Practical Examples



What is Selenium?

Who developed Selenium?

Selenium Components

Selenium IDE

Installing Selenium IDE

Creating your First Selenium IDE script

How to use Locators in Selenium IDE

How to enhance a script using Selenium IDE

Creating and Running Tests

Creating and Running Test Suite

WebDriver Introduction

Introduction to WebDriver & Comparison with Selenium RC

Installing Selenium WebDriver

Architecture of selenium Webdriver

Creating your First Script in Webdriver

Launching AUT and Inspecting properties of Elements

Launching AUT in FireFox

Launching AUT in InternetExplorer

Launching AUT in Chrome

Launching AUT in Safari

Inspecting properties of Elements on different Browsers

Installing FireBug and FirePath

Creating FireFox Profile

Automating Operations on various Elements





Check Box

Radio Button

HTML Tables


Automating Keyboard and Mouse Events

Action Class

KeyBoard Events

Drag & Drop Actions

Mouse Hover Action

RightClick, Double Click & Tool Tip

Handling multiple Windows



Switching between windows

Handling elements present in different windows

Handling Alerts





Handling Frames

What is iFrame?

Locating Frames

Switching between Frames

Handling Frames

Handling Ajax Components

Handling Ajax Components

Creating Customize XPath/CSS Selectors

What is XPath

When to Use XPath

Absolute XPath/Relative XPath

Specifying conditions with XPath

CSS Selectors

Customizing CSS Selector






What is TestNG?

Advantages of TestNG over JUnit

Why do we need TestNG in Selenium?

Installing TestNG in Eclipse

Creating a New TestNG Test File

Test annotation

Running the Test

Checking reports created by TestNG

Generating HTML Reports

Annotations used in TestNG

Validating Tests with Assertions

Creating multiple Tests

Prioritizing Tests

Parameterizing Tests with dataProvider

TestNG dataProvider with Excel

Creating and Running Test Suites with TestNG.xml

Parallel Test Execution with TestNG

Cross Browser Testing using TestNG

Automation Test Frameworks

Modular Driven Framework

Keyword Driven Framework

Data Driven Framework

Hybrid Framework

Page Object Model (POM) & Page Factory in Selenium

What is POM

Why POM?

Advantages of POM

Creating POM Tests

What is Page Factory?

Creating Tests with Page Factory

Database Testing using Selenium

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

Driver Manager






Connecting to DataBases

Sending SQL Queries to Database

Processing Results

Real-time examples of Database Testing with Selenium


Installing AutoIT

Components of AutoIT

Using FinderTool

AutoIT commands

Creating Scripts in AutoIT

Creating executable files

Running AutoIT Scripts from Selenium

Selenium GRID

What is Selenium Grid?

When to Use Selenium Grid?

What is a Hub and Node?

How to Install and Use Grid 2.0?

Designing Test Scripts That Can Run on the Grid

Using the DesiredCapabilites Object

Using the RemoteWebDriver Object

Running a Sample Test Case on the Grid

Sequential and Parallel Test Execution

Running Tests on different Operating Systems

Running Tests on different Browsers

Maven & Jenkins


What is Maven and Why Maven?

Installing/Configuring Maven

Creating Maven Project

Importing Maven Project into Eclipse

What is POM.xml?

Adding Dependencies to POM.xml


Installing/Configuring Jenkins

Scheduling Test Execution in Jenkins

Auto mail configuration in Jenkins

What is continues integration?

Continues integration with JENKINS


Downloading and Installing GIT

Installing GIT and GITHUB plug-ins for JENKINS

Configuring SSH host keys for GIT and JENKINS

GIT Bash commands

Uploading project to GIT


Batch type:  Weekdays/Weekends

Mode of Training:  Classroom/Online/Corporate Training

Highly Experienced Certified Trainer with 10+ yrs Exp. in Industry

Realtime Projects, Scenarios & Assignments

What will you get along with the training?
1) course completion certificate.
2) 1 live project.
4) Resume building & Interview preparation.
5) Interview call from Tie-up companies until you successfully get placed.
6) Hands-on training with real-time scenarios.
7) Certification Based training with study material.

?An Overview of Automation Testing

 What do you know about Testing Process?

Deep Dive on Automation Testing

Different Types of Automation Testing tools

What do you know about Mobile Automation Testing?

Selenium 3.0 and API

Scope of Automation for iOS and Android Devices

How to run the scripts on Emulators and Mobile Devices?

Different Types of tools for Mobile Automation Testing

Deep Dive on Appium and API

Limits of Appium

Why Appium?

How Appium Works?

How to install JDK, Maven and Android SDK?

What is essential for Appium?

How to install windows and set up?

Install Java and set up Variables

How to configure Maven and Android SDK?

Do you know to configure Eclipse IDE?

How to install Appium in Windows?

How to Set up Appium?

Download Appium GUI Tool

Start Appium Server

Run a Sample Test

Kill Nodes

What do you know about Appium Desired capabilities Class?

Appium Inspector

What is Appium Inspector?

How and when to run it?

Record and Play

How to locate elements?

UI Automator Viewer

How to Open UI Automator Viewer through SDK tools kit?

Different locator devices

Locator Tags

Object Locators

How to locate elements on App?

Locate elements with elements

How to locate multiple elements?

Find Element by Class Name and Id’s

Find element by id and XPath

How to use different functions inside UIAutomator Class?

Basics of Android

An Overview

How to Share and Control Android Device Screen from PC

Download Android Platforms using SDK Manager

How to create Virtual Device and Emulators using SDK Manager?

Install Apk file on Android Devices

Run your first Test in Android Devices

Set up Test Projects

API References on Appium

Desired Capabilities

App Packages that launch activity of Android Apps

How to Perform test in real devices?

How to run test on emulators?

Run your code for first test

How to use UiSelector Class?

Set Up Test Environment for Maven and JUnit

Automate Facebook login contacts

How to post status with project codes?

How to delete post with user layout?

Deep Dive on Mobile Testing Automation

How to use Touch action class to perform drag and drop?

How to Perform Click and Swipe?

Do you know to perform Multi touch?

Swipe Performance using screen coordinates

Project Coding of Mobile gestures

Mobile Web Automation

How to get User agent?

Identify Objects

How to code for Mobile Web Automation Projects?

Built in Apps by Android Automation

Dial a Phone number

Project code for Phone number

Set up recurring

Alarm in Android

Have a project in mind?

Book a free consultation with tech experts.